Thursday, September 30, 2010

No Make-Up Week

I'm quite aware of my own self esteem issues. I have worn makeup almost every day since I was about 15. I don't cake it on, or enjoy an overly made up look- I like to give the illusion of natural (perhaps I kid myself) but it's part of my daily routine. I have very pale skin still repairing itself from years of acne problems so I give it some help with the most natural makeup I can find. I am now discovering, thanks to SKIN DEEP that there are still some very very nasty chemicals in my "natural" supposedly "organic" products.

I decided this year to wean my body off as many chemical based products as possible. I only use natural soap for my face and body, the most organic shampoo and conditioner I can find (still searching for the best one) and often forgo conditioner for apple cider vinegar (ohhhh soooo shinnyyy!). I have weaned my skin off moisturiser and found I mustn't have ever needed it in the first place. I would never consider using a medicinal skin cleanser for my blemishes ever again after a traumatic discovery that years of using pHisohex as an adolescent was actually causing not healing many of my skin problems. I am still recovering.

I believe I am addicted to covering up my natural skin and I want to do something about it. I want to love my real face that I understand most of my friends might not have ever seen.

No Make-Up Week.


  1. you have a beautiful face you know

  2. thanks lurker. that's really nice :-) you are all beautiful too.
